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Wetfeet provides users with a list of company profiles they may find relevant to their professional growth, to connect the sea of job seekers with companies in relevant fields.


Once you enter Ontrac, the right hand panel will contain links to Wet Feet. You must create an account and select your field of interest so that Wetfeet may customize its data to your liking. At the bottom right side of the page, you can see the following tabs, from which you may choose any of the above.


Example: Employers Tab


Once you enter, you may ask a question pressing this button.


You may choose among a wide range of companies to select from with respect to your field of work.


Taking a look at the tabs on the top left of the page:


  • Companies

  • Culture Fit

  • Articles

  • Guides

  • Internships

  • Questions

  • Feedback


1. Companies




This tab allows you to explore companies relevant to your interests and follow their official pages. You can edit the list of companies to your liking.

2. Culture Fit






A lot of working professionals, especially from HR departments of large firms are always trying to best gauge their employees and match their requirements with what the company can offer in return for their hard work. This section helps users better understand culture fit preferences. It allows you to either answer a few questions posted or create your very own poll.


To understand more about Cultural Fit and how it applies in today’s workplace and how it affects hirer’s decisions, read this article: 


3. Articles




Ever caught in an uncomfortable situation where you feel that a lack of information is costing you that interview? WetFeet provides a trove of data and articles, including interview techniques and career opportunities.

4. Guides




This is similar to articles except it gives you a more detailed perspective to what you are looking for. For example, Wetfeet will give you a detailed action oriented guide you may download and use to ace that interview.

5. Internships




Within this tab, you may internships you may be interested in.  The search function below will give you a comprehensive set of results you can choose from. Each opening will be detailed along with methods of application. This is likely to be by far the most useful section of Wetfeet.

6. Questions




Within this tab, any previously posted question will be answered by an employee of the relevant company you had requested.

7. Career Advice




This page will allow you to view what a specific career entails. The description is divided into the following sub-heads:

  • Overview

  • What You’ll Do

  • Who Does Well

  • Requirements,

  • Job Outlook and

  • Relevant Tracks.


Tapping into modern trends, information and comments are generated by the actual people in the industry, giving accurate user-reviews that are easy to understand.

8. Feedback




This allows you to give any relevant feedback to the Wetfeet admin.






Overall Wetfeet is quite a useful tool that can be used by undergraduates. It is easy to navigate and simple to use. The takeaway feature of this website is the internship search tool. For any of you guys who are out there looking for an international internship custom made to your profile, this is the site to use! The one significant drawback is that is it very American consumer centric rather than Asian oriented.

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